Saturday 17 November 2012

Abstract Painting on iPad

I love working in the modern abstract style. Essentially for the fact that I can work with great speed on iPad, even though it takes me a good half hour or more to complete each painting. The reason for this is down to the fact that I am experimenting with fresh new ideas, and am having to feel my way along. I enjoy coming across those happy chance finds that take the work in a completely different direction every few minutes or so. The image above is a landscape with two rather exotic looking trees in it. Although it was not my initial intention to create a landscape, as I progress I sometimes begin to see shapes that have something a passing resemblance to what I have seen in nature. The following images are four more that I did today.


  1. Hi Charles. I came to your blog via ArtRage via Facebook. I enjoyed reading and seeing your step by step explanations. very informative. Thanks.
    I found when ArtRage freezes that if you pinch the image with two fingers it will usually behave. Then you can recover from any panic attack it may have caused.

    1. Hi Patricia. I'm so glad you have liked my blog. I aim to put in some information about my real work before long. As much as I enjoy painting on my iPad it has its limitations.
