After my previous post yesterday, I decided to tackle two more thumbnail sketches on my iPad using the same technique. The one above is drawn from memory and imagination, just as the second one is below. Although tomorrow looks like being a nice bright day, if not a little cold. If so, I shall take a drive out and have a go at painting some more thumbnails from observation. That's the real test. Working directly from nature can often be daunting. Finding a good subject can be even more so.
Thanks for giving me your website and blog links Charles. t the risk of sounding a bit gushing, (and I sense you are not prone to that yourself), your work is a great inspiration. Feel excited to look at it. Must look up Art Rage. I've got "brushes" on ipad which seems by comparison maybe limited. But that could be me! I LOVE your actual watercolours...are they actual wcol or acrylic used thinly? Brilliant colour and abstract form.